Friday, September 12, 2008

My First Poem

It's been a while since I last blogged, I know. Didn't have the PC for 10 days due to a problem in the hard drive and the procrastination of the AMC people. Anyways, am back. I am a bit busy of late; I don't have the time to construct a new post at the moment, so will just type out the first poem I ever wrote. Yes! I regard myself as a poet. I was reading one guy's blog and he had posted a few poems. I felt so moved on reading them, I started wishing that I could also be so good. It seems to have been on my sub-conscious mind 'cos one fine day, after coming home from college and spending a quiet evening at home, the verses started to flow and I ended up with a beautiful poem, even if I do say so myself. Here it is:

Can't live without you,
Can't live with you
Tried living for you,
Tried living forgetting you
Both are hurting me
But the latter,
Not so much
As the former.

It would but take a spare minute
For you to ensnare me
As you did before
And make me a slave
To your charms
Yet again.

No matter how you treat me
Deep down I know
This ain't working out
(Oh no it ain't!)

So I shun your company
To save myself the pain
Which when parting from you
I must mournfully endure.

The pain..
The pain...
On which I thrive
Without it
I am not who I am
And with it
I will not be who I used to be
I evolve
This is what a broken relationship does to me.
But this time,
It is due to a shattered friendship
A friendship which eroded away in the desert wind
And which you successfully drowned in the seven seas
But it ain't totally dead yet
(Oh no it ain't!)
An ember still remains
Buried with the other rubble
In the bottom of my lovesick aching lonely heart.

Some say my later poems are even better, but this being my first, it always has a soft corner in my heart.

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