Monday, August 25, 2008

My First Blog Entry

I am not introducing myself, as I don't think anyone except me and my close friends are going to view this blog. Suffice to say that am an engineering student who feels that he possesses a lot of creative energy which he needs to unleash upon the world. This blog is to be one of my (many) creativity outlets. This is not going to be my journal or my diary, rather it will contain my thoughts, emotions and musings.

I got the idea of starting my own blog way back in June '08, but it is only today that I have felt the urge to actually create one. Having once stepped into the field, I will dedicatedly blog. Actually, I like reading a lot, and I have read quite a few blogs, mostly my friends' and this is why I felt like starting my own blog. Ok, enough with the introductions and on with the real post.

I pride myself on being an introvert. No one can break my shell and get to know the real me. What I project of myself to the outside world, is but the tip of the iceberg. No man is an island unto himself, or so the old saying goes. I have tried to prove it to be possible. I like being alone. I like company too, but not at all times. I love working alone. That doesn't make me less productive while in a group. I could go on and on, but I have to wrap this post up now due to time limitations.

I'll be back.

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