Monday, September 22, 2008

3 things you need to get yourself a girlfriend

It has been said that behind every man's success there is a woman. But what of a man's success with women. What is the reason for that success. It boils down to three fundamental qualities, which I am about to explain in detail here.

Girls look for three things in their potential life partner- he should be good-looking, serious minded and an entertaining conversationalist.

When I say good looking, I don't mean a chiseled, demi-God like figure. Someone who is appealing to the eye, comports himself well, has a good fashion sense and body language is all that they look for. Girls, unlike guys, don't set much store by external beauty. They appreciate inner beauty more. However, grooming yourself properly for a date shows respect for the girl, something which they look for and value. She shouldn't feel embarrassed to introduce you to her friends. Fashion sense, grooming and proper etiquette will definitely not go unnoticed.

Any social event or gathering revolves around one person or one group of persons, who are what we generally call the life of the party. They entertain you, make you laugh, people drink in every word they say. They are not attention seekers, this comes naturally for them. These people are entertaining conversationalists. Girls would be proud to point out a guy like that and say that he is her boyfriend. However, we all are not born with that gift. Nor can we cultivate it. What we can do is be able to hold a decent conversation, indulge in small talk without feeling nervous, not look at party invitations with apprehension. Meeting strangers should not be an uncomfortable experience.

Money makes the world go around. On evaluating your potential as a life partner, a girl will definitely dwell on whether you have what it takes to be the breadwinner of the family. In other words, she will evaluate how serious minded you are, your level of ambition and your technical expertise in your chosen field. This is the main reason why some girls prefer geeks- financial security above all else. This is also the reason why the class clown, although popular with girls in college, never becomes the most eligible bachelor- lack of ambition can crush your chances more than the lack of the other two qualities.

Girls don't like smoking and boozing either. While these may be tolerated, they will be regarded as bad habits.

While on the topic, I'm posting a poem I wrote entitled Girlfriend:

Every teen's desire
But only a few have the pleasure
Of actually having a girlfriend.
The ones who have them
May not always be happy
But the ones who lack them
Are forever unhappy.

A girlfriend
Becomes a reason for living
When all other reasons fail.
She stands resolutely by our side
Unwavering in her love and devotion.
The receiving end of her love
Is where every man wishes to be.

A girlfriend
Changes a man
The way music
Tames a beast
Her smallest wish
Is like a divine request
The work involved
In keeping her contended
Fades into nothingness
When she shares with us
What no other girl can
The sweetest gift known to mankind,
Pure and unadulterated love.

What has bachelorhood to offer
That surpasses a woman's love..

1 comment:

Vinodh Venkata Krishna said...

Man, I never knew you could do so much research on girlfriends!!! Hats off!!! I wish you could have given me tips to win over that chota girl!!!