Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This and that

I just logged into my orkut account after a long time, and I found this:
Today's fortune: You will always have good luck in your personal affairs.
If I will always have good luck, then why is it today's fortune. Somebody goofed.

I've been going through a lot of song lyrics and am wondering how these songwriters get their inspiration. What does it take to write a song which will impress millions. The qualities that I perceive will make a good songwriter are:
  1. Creativity and inspiration
  2. A passion for music (Yes, its necessary. Indeed this is what seperates poets from lyricists).
  3. Acceptance of criticism-> Your audience makes you a star. You need to cater to their whims and fancies else you are a nobody.
  4. Perseverance-> Your first 99 songs may fail to grab the audience, your 100th song may. Have to keep at it till you get somewhere.
  5. Self- confidence-> Songwriting is a risky career path. Anyday, anytime, you may be usurped by a more talented person. It takes a lot of confidence to hold your own against the stream of amateur talent entering this field every day.

There may be more, I wouldn't know. Paulo Coelho used to be a songwriter before he became a bestselling author. Are these two career paths related? Both require a high amount of creativity. Actually, an author too requires all of the above, except the passion for music. But in general, highly creative people are also appreciative of music.


Here's one of my earliest philosophies: Some people mean a lot to us. Others, not so much. If the people who matter reciprocate the feeling, then all is well. The problem arises when they don't really need us around. It is then that we try hard to win their friendship and trust. In some cases, such attempts may succeed, sometimes we may fail too. It is incumbent for every man to place such failures behind him and move on, to rise to greater heights. For, as we stand on the pedestal of success, we will realize that these little failures are but the paving stones which adorn the pathway to success.

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